Mar 26in GENERAL
Spring Home Maintenance
Spring is here and along with the joys of brighter evenings and glimpses of sun we can undoubtedly predict the torrential rains of April. All to be expected in the Pacific NW. Now that winter is behind us, here are some simple home maintenance items to get out of the way during Spring.
Roofs & Gutters
Remove debris from your roof and gutters. Make sure not to flush debris into downspout outlets because that may cause a clogging. Once gutters are clean, downspouts can be flushed.
Yard Drains
Rock swales and catch basins serving to channel lot surface water should be checked weekly during rainy times, monthly during dry times and cleaned of debris to promote unobstructed water flow. Rock swales easily clog with landscape materials.
Exterior Wood
Wood decks, fences, railings or outdoor furniture will last longer and stay in better condition if they’re stained or resealed every year or two.
Furnace Filter
Change your filter. Do you care about better air quality in your home? Do you want your furnace to have a longer life and run more efficiently? If you said ‘yes’ to either of these questions, then change your filter regularly and you’ll be set.
Lawn Care
If you have an established lawn, March is a good time to dethatch and get rid of old roots and stems. You can aerate by hand or mechanically depending on the size of you yard. Rake and overseed bare spots in April. Fertilize in late April or May. You may need to consider a broad-leaved weed control or grub killer.