Nov 02 in GENERAL
How to Keep your Home Warm

It's that time of year again when sunshine turns into rain, and the warm summer breeze shifts into the cold winter air. We are back to the gloomy cold Seattle weather that we all know and dread. The weather that keeps us trapped in our warm homes and near the fireplace. It's not a bad idea when sipping on a glass of wine by your fireplace, but not for nine months. This period is known to be the most expensive energy bill period. So we decided to think outside of the box and make our homes warm and cozy without spending tons of money. Below are some tips you might find beneficial to keep your home and family warm:

Oct 12 in GENERAL
It's Time for Halloween!

It's that time of the year where every home and neighborhood turn into spooky sites. While you get your costumes ready and your kids costumes and candy, you should think about transforming your home to match the Halloween vibe.

Oct 03 in GENERAL
Crown Corner Coming Soon!

Sea Pac Homes is always looking for the best locations to build the finest homes that suit your needs and demands. Our upcoming community "Crown Corner" will be located in Marysville Washington.

Sep 18 in GENERAL
Beverly Court Grand Opening!

Join us on Saturday and Sunday (Sept 23 & 24) from 10am to 5pm for our Beverly Court Model Home Grand Opening!

Sep 13 in GENERAL
Sea Pac Homes Exclusive Offer!

We aim to provide outstanding customer service and guarantee efficient and everlasting homes.